Double self-sealing bags with a tear open strip are now standing alongside our infamous shipping packages. The versatile e-commerce mailing bags 2-ply have already gained a reputation of being quick and easy as well as environmentally friendly. The material is ecological and the size is compact, saving space in the entire transport chain.
The new features make the bag easy to reuse. When the receiver has gotten their delivery, it is easy to open with the tear open strip. If customer wants to return or forward the product, the second seal makes it easy for them. The package is ready for shipping as soon as the product is inside and the bag is closed. Your customers are sure to enjoy this feature, and it will definitely help with building a positive customer experience.

Naturally, if there is no need for returning or fowarding, the bag can still be reused, thanks to the second seal. Even if there is no need for mailing anthing, the bag can be used as a composting bag, for example - natural and environmentally friendly.
Get to know the new products here or contact us here, and let us take a look at your packaging needs